Web-Based Software Engineering (Spring 2021)

  • Course Goal:

The objective of this course is to provide students with full knowledge and technologies of Web-based software engineering. In particular, students will learn about the practices, concepts, methods, and techniques for producing high quality Web-based software using JavaEE/Spring Boot architecture.

  • Time/Place:Friday 13:10~16:00,INS 203
  • Instructor:馬尚彬(Shang-Pin Ma, albert@ntou.edu.tw)
    • 分機6625,系工系館401
    • Office Hours: Wednesday 10:00~12:00 (Please email me in advance)
  • Schedule:
12/26Course Introduction 
23/5Why use Servlets & JSPsHW1 (Tomcat架設、Servlet/JSP部署)
33/12Web App Architecture 
43/19Servlet: Request and Response 
53/26Web App: Attributes and ListenersHW2 (Parameter、Attribute練習)
64/2Spring Vacation
74/9Conversational State: Session Management技術主題分組
84/16JSP: Basic SyntaxJSP: EL and Standard ActionsWeb技術主題宣布 HW3 (Session + JSP練習)
94/23Ajax and FetchWeb技術主題決定
104/30RESTful Web Services 
115/7SpringBoot Controller and ServiceHW4 (SpringBoot API練習)
125/14Integrating SpringBoot with Database個人專案提案
135/21DevOps and CI/CD 
156/4Web API Design 
166/11Web Frontend Design (UI/UX)Lab: UI Mockup Design
176/18Web TestingLab: BDD Testing
  • Grading:
    • Homework+Lab 50%
    • Web Technology Survey 20% (at least 20 pages slides)
    • Personal Project 20%
    • Participation 10%