JAVA Programming (Spring 2021)

  • Course Goal: This course is intended to serve as an introduction course to Java language. Lecture materials include basic Java syntax as well as object-oriented concept and modeling technology.
  • Time/Place: Wednesday 13:10~16:00,INS 201&203
  • Instructor:
    • 馬尚彬 (Shang-Pin Ma,
      • Extension Number: 6625
      • Office: SE 401
      • Office Hours: Wednesday 10:00~12:00
        (Please email me in advance)
  • Schedule:
12/24Java First Class 
23/3Introduction to Java ApplicationsIntroduction to Classes, Objects Methods and Strings 
33/10Control Statements 
53/24Arrays and ArrayLists 
63/31Classes and Objects-A Deeper LookForming groups of three students for final projects
84/141st Computer-Based Exam
94/21Polymorphism and InterfacesSubmission of final project proposal
104/28JUnit, JavaDoc, Maven, and GitArrays and ArrayLists-2 
115/5Graphics User Interface-1 
125/12Graphics User Interface-2 
135/19Exception Handling 
145/26Files and Streams 
166/92nd Computer-Based Exam
176/16Design PatternsFunctional Programming 
186/24Demo-DayFinal project demo
  • Grading:
    • Homework (Exercises): 30%
    • Midterm Exam (1st Computer-Based Exam):  20%
    • Final Exam (2nd Computer-Based Exam): 25%
    • Final Project: 20%
    • Participation and Quiz: 5%